– Ein del av Hardanger og Voss museum

– A part of Hardanger and Voss museum

Mellom bakkar og berg

sun23jun(jun 23)18:00sun04aug(aug 4)17:00Mellom bakkar og bergExhibition by Rolf Øidvin(juni 23) 18:00 - (august 4) 17:00(GMT+00:00)

Måleri av Rolf Øidvin. Oldemor og oldefar sit i ei hestekjerre.

Om arrangementet

Painting exhibition «Mellom bakkar og berg» by Rolf Øidvin

The exhibition «Mellom bakkar og berg» is on display at Skredhaugen this summer. It opens on Sunday, June 23, at 6:00 PM, and will be open on the days Skredhaugen is open.

Here is Øidvin’s account of his artistic career:

«I grew up in Oslo, where I was born in 1950. My parents were from Hardanger; my father was from Ulvik and my mother from Sekse in Ullensvang. They lived in Sekse in later years and are both buried in Ulvik. So, I have my roots there and am heavily influenced by the culture of Hardanger. I am a member of the Hardanger historical society and have been deeply interested in the rich history of Hardanger throughout my adult life.

«I grew up in a place called Lille Langerud on Abildsø in Oslo. It was a rich environment with a diverse mix of people from various social backgrounds, including many well-known writers and artists. This environment certainly provided inspiration for me and others to become artists. It felt entirely natural.


I began in 1969 at a pre-college for the State School of Arts and Crafts (SHKS). In the evenings, I also attended the National Gallery, receiving instruction from the painter Rolf Schønfeldt. We drew from Greek and Roman plaster models, which was invaluable experience. I officially began as a full-time student at the State School of Arts and Crafts in 1970. I spent six years there, primarily in the painting department where I received a diploma, but also studying sculpture, modeling from life models.

«After my art studies, I worked for three years at NRK television in set painting and scenography, which provided me with significant knowledge and experience.

«In 1979, I began a one-year study in art education (KPU) at the State Teacher Training College in Design, as it was known then. After teaching college, I taught high school art subjects, now known as Art, Design, and Architecture (KDA), while concurrently developing my own art. Following my teaching career, I authored a digital textbook for high school (KDA) and teacher education, covering art history, color theory, and more. There has been considerable debate about digital media in education, and rightly so, but for young adults and students, I see numerous advantages in digital learning tools over traditional printed books.

Between Life and Work

In 1983, my wife Wenke Greve and I purchased a small farm in Averøy, just south of Kristiansund, where we both worked as teachers. We have four daughters together. On our small farm, we have a small flock of Old Norwegian Sheep, a horse, a couple of sheepdogs, and some chickens. We have also grown potatoes and vegetables for our own use. Working on the farm has provided us with valuable closeness to nature and animals, as well as inspiring motifs and stories that we have used in our visual art.

«I have primarily worked with painting, using oil, egg tempera, and acrylic techniques. Previously, I created graphic art using linoleum and woodcut techniques, and I have also made some sculptures. More recently, I have experimented with digital graphics, which is a new and exciting challenge that I believe offers new opportunities. In my case, perhaps more as a tool for preliminary studies for analog paintings. Like many other artists, I see potential risks associated with artificial intelligence, emphasizing the importance of traditional craftsmanship and the personal touch in creating visual art.


Juni 23 (Sundag) 18:00 - August 4 (Sundag) 17:00(GMT+00:00)